COVID-19 Cybersecurity Resources

COVID-19 Cybersecurity Resources

These days it seems that all news stories are related to COVID-19, and that’s also true in the infosec/cybersecurity community. Over the past month, I have read many insightful articles about COVID-19 phishing attacks and scams, and I’ve weighed in on the topic myself. While “top ten” and other lists are popular news items, I realized I hadn’t seen many lists of resources for COVID-19-themed cybersecurity incidents. So, Between the Hacks spent part of this week researching and starting to compile a compendium of pandemic-specific cybersecurity resources. The goal it to raise awareness, to share tips to prevent becoming a victim, resources to get help if you, or someone you know does become a victim, and also, some ways to help others during this global pandemic. As I learn of new resources, I’ll add them to this page. Please let me know if you have suggestions for resources to share.

Education and awareness resources


World Health Organization

EFF: Recognize Phishing Scams

Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Map

Beware of criminals pretending to be WHO

U.S. Federal Trade Commission Tips

CallerSmart: How to Identify and Avoid COVID-19 Scams [Added June 8, 2020]


Senior Guide to Mental Health During Coronavirus (COVID-19) [Added April 30, 2020]

Protect Your Family’s Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Added June 5, 2020]

Retirement After the COVID-19 Pandemic [Added June 5, 2020]

Where to get help

CTI League We are a community of CTI experts, Incident responders and Industry experts working to neutralize all cyber threats looking to exploit the current pandemic

CV-19 CyberVolunteers to assist the medical community with cybersecurity support (UK-based)

Cyber Threat Coalition - Sharing pandemic-related cyber threat intelligence during this time of crisis

Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA)

IBM Security/TruStar - OSINT Community Enclave on the TruSTAR platform to share and track observables related to COVID-19 exploits

Government resources

United States

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) COVID-19 site

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 site

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Covid-19 website

COVID-19 websites for each U.S. State


Canadian Government Coronavirus site


European Commission Coronavirus Response

Sources of Information in EU Countries

Work FROM home Tips

Those of us who are lucky enough to keep our jobs and work from home during this crisis, may find it new and challenging. Here are some tips.

NSA: Selecting and Safely Using Collaboration Services for Telework [Added May 1, 2020]

Working From Home Cybersecurity Tips

FBI Warns of Videoconferencing Attacks

Zoom Security and Privacy Tips

Helping People in your Community

There are a lot of great people in our lives who are out of work right now. Barbers/hairdressers, wait staff, trainers, and many others are unable to work right now because of social distancing efforts. Some of you who are working from home, are likely spending less on transportation, lunches, haircuts, and other regular expenses. While you are stuck at home, here are a few things that you can do to help the people in your community while helping yourself.

While this is convenient for you, the increased demand in delivery services means that you are helping the people in your community as well. It may be your trainer who delivers your groceries.


If you are lucky enough to have kept your job and are able to work from home, you may want to help out financially. The scammers know this and that’s why phishing attacks are on the rise. To help prevent phishing clicks, contact charitable organizations directly. Here are some organizations that could use your help in the fight against COVID-19.

How to Help Others During the Coronavirus Outbreak by Town & Country magazine lists charities for Hospitals and Healthcare workers, Scientific Research, Helping the Hungry, Aid to the Arts ad Artists, Small Business Support, and Volunteering Your Time. lists, “Highly-rated nonprofits providing relief and recovery to communities impacted by the pandemic.” The categories they cover are, Medical Services, Relief Supplies, Cross-Categorical, Funding Local Organizations, Education & Awareness, and Relief Supplies.

BTH News 17April2020

BTH News 17April2020

BTH News 10April2020

BTH News 10April2020