HACKING 101 Humble Bundle

HACKING 101 Humble Bundle


Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, you may still be searching for some great deals. If so, you’ll hardly find a better deal than this one. Humble Bundle has teamed up with the great tech publisher, No Starch Press, to offer deeply discounted hacking e-books for as little as one dollar. The regular cost for the ebooks in this bundle is as much as $655 but in this bundle, you choose how much you want to spend and increase your contribution to upgrade your bundle and get more e-books! The minimum contribution amount is just $1.

And that’s not all! The books are DRM free so no worries about trying to read them on a new device three years from now. The books come in multiple formats (pdf, mobi, and epub) so you can easily read them on an e-reader, Kindle, iPad, computer, or mobile phone. To learn how to read these books on your e-reader or book-reading software, you can check out the Humble Bundle instruction page here.

When Can I Get This Deal?

Humble Bundle cycles through deals like this on a regular basis and this one is available for the next 20 days (December 20th) and since these are e-books, you don’t need to worry about them selling out.

How Does This Work?

If you’re not familiar with Humble Bundle, you may be skeptical about this deal so let me explain how this works. According to the Humble Bundle website, “Humble Bundle sells games, ebooks, software, and other digital content. Our mission is to support charity while providing awesome content to customers at great prices. We launched in 2010 with a single two-week Humble Indie Bundle, but we have humbly grown into a store full of games and bundles, a subscription service, a game publisher, and more.” This particular deal includes the following e-books.

For one dollar, you get three e-books

1. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation

2. The Car Hacker’s Handbook

3. Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide

For $8 or more, you get another four e-books

4. Practical Malware Analysis

5. Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking

6. Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker’s Guide to Capture, Analysis and Exploitation

7. Practical Packet Analysis

For $10 or more, you get another five e-books

8. Practical Binary Analysis

9. Malware Data Science

10. Linux Basics for Hackers

11. The Linux Command Line

12. Serious Cryptography

For $18 or more, you get another six e-books

13. Rootkits and Bootkits

14. Black Hat Go

15. The Hardware Hacker

16. Web Security For Developers

17. Foundations of Information Security

18. Real-World Bug Hunting

So, for $18 you can get all 18 books with a retail price of $655 but there is one more benefit to buying this bundle. When you buy from Humble Bundle, you are also helping those less fortunate.

Support a Charity

Today is “Giving Tuesday”, a day where we all are supposed to take whatever money might be left after a long weekend of shopping madness and give to those less fortunate. But what if we could shop AND give? Well this deal provides both. As you can see, for $18 you can get 18 great e-books and the best part is that a portion of your purchase goes to charity. How much goes to charity? You decide! For this bundle you can divvy up your payment between the publisher and the National Coalition Against Censorship and No Starch Press Foundation. If you like, you can also leave a tip to the Humble team. To do this, scroll to the bottom of the Humble Bundle page where you can move donation sliders to chose where your money goes.


Of course, you can pay more than $18 and many people do but let’s face it, 2020 has been financially rough for a lot of people so if you can’t afford much, this is a great deal for you. And if you can afford it, think about adding a little more to your donation.

Once you make your purchase, you will be directed to a page where you can download each of the e-books in any, or all of the available formats.

Humble Partner


Between The Hacks has frequently recommended cybersecurity-based Humble Bundles to our readers and we like these deals so much that Between The Hacks has become an official Humble Partner.

If you make a purchase from the link below, a part of your purchase can go to the upkeep of this blog. However, as stated earlier, you decide where your money goes. Just move the donation sliders at the bottom of the page to donate more or less to the publisher, charities and Between The Hacks.

Hacking 101 Humble Bundle by No Starch Press

A huge thank you to all of you who make this blog possible!

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